corporate paperwork on a desk while there is a business meeting in the back ground

Why Your Premium May Increase In 2020

By Ben Scott Marketing Manager Occasionally things happen in the insurance industry which seriously impact the market, underwriters, brokers, and resultantly, the customers. When insurance companies take a huge financial hit, like all service providers, they are limited with how they can recuperate these losses. They can sack staff, sell assets, reduce overheads, or more commonly, increase the price of […]

Image of the front of a house

Buildings Insurance Explained

By Georgina Handy Marketing Executive In this week’s article I will be taking a more in depth look at buildings insurance, if you want to find out more about Home insurance, Landlords or contents insurance just refer back to one of our previous articles here: Home Insurance Landlords Insurance Contents Insurance  What Is Buildings Insurance? Buildings Insurance indemnifies the structure […]

Contents Insurance Explained

By Georgina Handy Marketing Executive In this week’s article I will be taking a more in depth look at Contents Insurance. If you would like to find out more about Home Insurance or Landlords Insurance just refer back to one of our previous articles here: Home Insurance Landlords Insurance What Is Contents Insurance? So what is Contents Insurance refers to […]

Landlords Insurance Explained

By Georgina Handy Marketing Executive Landlord Insurance has become more popular over the last few years, with more people deciding to invest their money in property, rather than in banks. It is now one of the most popular products that we sell here at Connect Insurance Brokers. Similar to Home Insurance, Landlords Insurance is relatively inexpensive and covers your investment. […]

Home Insurance Explained

By Georgina Handy Marketing Executive The world of insurance is a complicated one as you can insure pretty much anything. In regards to a house you can insure that in a number of different ways which includes: Home insurance Landlords insurance Buildings only insurance Contents only insurance  I will also talk about what they will cover you against: Perils But […]

Hard Brexit & Green Cards

By Ben Scott Marketing Manager With all the hullabaloo emanating from the Brexit negotiations, you may have caught wind of the repeated mentions of how a “hard” departure would massively disrupt our lives. From immediate recession, rampant unemployment, surges in immigration, planes being grounded, shops running out of food, hospitals having no medical supplies… and many other equally outlandish claims. […]

Having A No Claims Christmas

By Ben Scott Marketing Manager All of us here at Connect are wishing you a claim-free Christmas. As the dark nights draw in earlier, and the weather becomes colder and wetter, the likelihood of a claim increases. Whether it’s due to poorer visibility, black ice, impatience or thieves – statistics show that claims occur much more frequently over the winter […]

A graveyard with many various headstones stretches out in the foreground, beneath a hazy sunlit sky beside the sea.

Drop Dead Costs

By Bradley Wootton Marketing Trainee It is absolutely astounding how much a funeral costs these days. People all over the UK are grieving over their deceased loved ones, whilst having to fork out substantial money for funeral arrangements. The cost of a basic funeral has increased for the 14th consecutive year, now standing at a staggering £4,078; a 4.7% increase […]

The picture is taken from ground level, looking up across a multistory car park; orange pillars support the ceiling, and a range of different vehicles occupy the parking bays.

Parking Fine Pains

By Bradley Wootton Marketing Trainee Un-Fee-Lievable Parking fines are as ever, a high priority for British motorists. It seems there is always a parking attendant on the prowl, or a CCTV camera taking notes on your comings and goings. Every time you park your vehicle in a public area, you are constantly fearful that you may be inadvertently parking somewhere […]

Ghost Brokers Target Teens

By Ben Scott Marketing Manager Ghost Brokers never disappeared, they just became more adept at hiding under the radar. Ghost Broking for those of you unfamiliar with the term, refers to an Insurance Fraud technique where criminals pose as a legitimate brokerage with the promise of unbelievably cheap rates, but the insurance is never provided. How do Ghost Brokers do […]