The country is beginning to come back alive, well, sort of. It’s not like a majestic phoenix emerging from flames… it’s more like a disorientated parent sitting reluctantly on the edge of their bed bleary eyed at 5:34am for the 87th day in a row, as their child wakes them up for another fun day of staying in the house. No, I don’t want to come and watch Peppa Pig, thanks.
We’re starting to see the telltale signs of the nation waking up finally (and I don’t mean the newspapers with photos of packed beaches and parks). We’ve seen children walking to school in the mornings. More buses running routes. Traffic has increased significantly compared to the abandoned roads we’ve witnessed for the past few months. There are more people wandering about shops and town centres, watching intently for the retail sector to reopen, however cautiously they decide to do so. And pubs of course… everybody is waiting for the pubs back open; hopefully this will be before the usual 4 weeks of British summer is over.

Most importantly for Connect, we’re seeing increased demand for insurance from multiple industries that are gradually returning to work. Since the lockdown began, this hasn’t been smooth sailing for any business, including ourselves. As demand slumped, so does income which impacts on our ability to pay the bills and staffs wages so that they can keep our clients policies serviced. The insurance industry is hurting just like every other industry.
A large insurance company with around 3,000 staff have announced that despite furloughing 1,000 employees and asking remaining staff to take a 20% pay cut and give up their sick pay, are now intending to also make 478 redundancies due to the “huge impact” of the pandemic. It’s hasn’t been fun for any of us. Hopefully better days are coming.
In truth, the whole insurance industry are on their toes right now, waiting for a bounce-back of business to plug the huge financial deficit caused by Covid-19; (let’s hope they don’t increase their prices too much to recover the losses!). From cancelled policies, to customers not renewing as they are unable to work, and an absence of new business enquiries as nobody can leave home… here at Connect we’ve done our best to remain positive and continue delivering our first class service throughout. We trust we haven’t let you down.

Should you need any assistance with your existing cover, we are still here working hard to deliver our usual level of customer service and support. Whether your renewal is due, you need to make a claim or it’s a new insurance policy you require… we’re key workers here, and we’re just a call away.
If you do need to speak to us, be sure to refer to the revised contact numbers below before dialing.
01782 665544 or the number noted in your Insurers policy book. |
Taxi : | 01782 200 770 |
Personal & Commercial Insurance: | 01782 200 775 |
Motor Trade: | 01782 200 771 |
Taxi: | |
Personal & Commercial Insurance: | |
Motor Trade: | |
Via our Live Webchat feature at: |
We accept documents sent to us via WhatsApp on 07563 033 070. Please note we are unable to reply via WhatsApp. |
We remain committed to the health and well being of both our customers and employees, and will continue to adapt our business model to work in accordance with the latest available Government advice.
We have introduced relevant social distancing signage and PPE in the office in anticipation of reopening the reception area to customers. We are currently intending to reopen the doors on June 15th 2020 inline with all non-essential retail.
Thank you for your ongoing support during this period of uncertainty.
Keep Calm, (Keep Safe) and Carry On.
Connect Insurance Brokers Ltd
My younger brother was really excited to go back to school this week.
Unfortunately they sent him back home.
Because he’s 28 years old.