Pandemic Weekly Update #8

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A big day is approaching, possibly the best Monday so far this year… yeah, that’s right, even better than the Bank Holiday’s have been! Monday the 15th of June; the day when non-essential retail can reopen (note: when barbers and pubs reopen, that will probably overtake this as the best Monday). No doubt a lot of people have plans to rush straight to Primark to stock up that summer wardrobe, others will be flocking to Argos to get the latest homeware and gadgets, and others will be making their way to Connect Insurance to come and arrange a new policy! That’s right, our doors will be open to the public once more! Step right up!

Already we’ve seen a few stores reopening such as Subway, Poundbakery and KFC. As many parents will be aware MacDonalds have clearly reopened their doors (*technically their drive-thrus) and there’s a whole bunch of happy kids out there with Happy Meals (and an increased chance of obesity when they’re older). We’ve heard fantastic news that Chester Zoo alongside others will be able to reopen to the public after overwhelming concern they would be another victim to the economic collapse. Even theme parks such as Alton Towers and their Splash Landings water park should be able to open with a few weeks. Overall, the country seems to be making strides back toward normality and it looks like we may still be able to have some fun this summer after all! Hurrah!

> Connect will be open again from Monday June 15th <

As the Covid stats continue to trend downward, we continue to see an uptick in business here at Connect. As more industries head back to their offices and venues, we expect to see more demand for our insurance products in the coming weeks. This is a huge relief to our staff who have been working hard throughout the pandemic to keep our customers policies maintained, all whilst risking contracting the virus and with the financial uncertainty of the collapsing economy looming over their heads like a guillotine. It looks like we’re going to be okay though, it looks like we may make it to the light at the end of the tunnel. It looks like the apocalypse has been postponed for now.

Should you need any assistance with your existing cover, we are still here working hard to deliver our usual level of customer service and support. Whether your renewal is due, you need to make a claim or it’s a new insurance policy you require… we’re key workers here, and we’re just a call away.

If you do need to speak to us, be sure to refer to the revised contact numbers below before dialing.

01782 665544 or the number noted in your Insurers policy book.
Taxi :01782 200 770
Personal & Commercial Insurance:01782 200 775
Motor Trade:01782 200 771
Personal & Commercial
Via our Live Webchat feature at:
We accept documents sent to us via WhatsApp on 07563 033 070.
Please note we are unable to reply via WhatsApp or answer phone calls.

We remain committed to the health and well being of both our customers and employees, and will continue to adapt our business model to work in accordance with the latest available Government advice.

We have introduced relevant social distancing signage and PPE in the office in anticipation of reopening the reception area to customers. We will reopen our doors on June 15th 2020 inline with all non-essential retail.

Thank you for your ongoing support during this period of uncertainty.

Keep Calm, (Keep Safe) and Carry On.

Connect Insurance Brokers Ltd

What’s the difference between Covid-19 and marriage? 
One destroys your health and finances, and the other is Covid-19.