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Pandemic Weekly Update #8

A big day is approaching, possibly the best Monday so far this year… yeah, that’s right, even better than the Bank Holiday’s have been! Monday the 15th of June; the day when non-essential retail can reopen (note: when barbers and pubs reopen, that will probably overtake this as the best Monday). No doubt a lot of people have plans to […]

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Pandemic Weekly Update #7

The country is beginning to come back alive, well, sort of. It’s not like a majestic phoenix emerging from flames… it’s more like a disorientated parent sitting reluctantly on the edge of their bed bleary eyed at 5:34am for the 87th day in a row, as their child wakes them up for another fun day of staying in the house. […]

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Pandemic Weekly Update #6

You better find the time to binge those TV shows you’re currently watching, put the finishing touches on those DIY projects, and get ready to draw a line under those home renovations. The next major step towards normality is incoming, and it’s not far off based on the latest advice. Assuming that adequate safety measures are in place to protect […]

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Pandemic Weekly Update #5

Bored of Netflix yet? Another week, another COVID-19 update; it’s still here, and so are Connect. We continue making our way down the tunnel toward the light, the better days ahead where we can all hug each other and not have to wash our hands 486 times a day until our skin is flaking off and sore. It looks as […]

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Pandemic Weekly Update #4

COVID-19 continues to lurk in the shadows, and Connect continue being open for business. We’re midway through another week with very little movement, though the carrot on the stick does feel a bit closer now with some business sectors reopening including Construction and Manufacturing. For most of our customers however, the furlough continues along with the absence of routine and […]

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Pandemic Weekly Update #3

It’s a new week, and yet for most of us nothing has really changed; COVID-19 continues to be a thorn in our side, life is still largely on pause, and Connect are still open for business. In positive news, you have likely heard that we’ve passed the peak of the national pandemic a couple of weeks ago. Hospitalisations and deaths […]

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Pandemic Weekly Update #2

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to cause societal disarray and economic frustration, the challenge of maintaining some sense of normality continues for us all. Here at Connect, normality means being at the office working hard to deliver our usual level of customer service and support for our customers. For some of our customers, normality will likely now mean watching Netflix […]

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Pandemic Weekly Update

With the outbreak of COVID-19 causing disruption and uncertainty that has not been seen for a generation, we understand the needs of our customers and their need for support. We continue to work hard as a critical industry delivering first class customer service and arranging new policies for our customers during these difficult times. Rest assured that based on other countries […]

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Information About Our Office | Update

The latest round of Covid-19 updates have not affected our resilient business operations, and as a result we are still open, still trading, and still secretly wishing we were all furloughed instead watching Netflix programmes about tigers. Alas, the show must continue and we will not let the current situation impact our commitment to servicing our clients. We are working […]

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Important Information About Our Office

Important Update Here at Connect, we are actively monitoring the advice made available by the Government and adjusting our operations in accordance with recommendations and guidance as it becomes available. Last week in response to Social Distancing measures we made the tough decision to suspend face-to-face meetings with our clients; therefore our reception is not currently accessible to the public […]